How to Prune Marijuana

How to Prune Marijuana the Right Way

Are you planning to prune your marijuana? Have you ever wondered how to prune marijuana the right way? Then, you are in the perfect article. By reading this article, you will be able to grab some ideas about pruning and you will be able to get good techniques of pruning. 

In this article, you will also be able to know the things you should not do or the things you should avoid doing when pruning your plants. Let us start to understand the way of pruning weed, but before that, let us know what pruning is and the perfect time of pruning marijuana plants. 

What is Pruning?

First, let us know the definition of pruning. Pruning is one way for growers to increase their plants’ yields. It is also considered a very easy way of increasing yields. Another thing that pruning can do is that it helps the plants’ buds to have the light and energy they need. It can also help in keeping your plants healthier. However, there is a big possibility of damaging your plants if you do not know how to prune marijuana. Therefore, let’s explore more about the steps of pruning. 

The Perfect Time for Pruning Marijuana

When is the perfect time for pruning the weed? You might be asking this question. You need to know the perfect time for the pruning process. You must start pruning plants that are sativa if they reach the 2nd week of the vegetative phase. As for indica plants, you can start pruning in the 3rd week of the vegetative phase. If you have already started pruning, it would be best for you to continue pruning until you reach the 2nd week of your plant’s flowering phase.

Knowing the perfect and suitable time of the pruning method will help you do the pruning steps successfully and without harming your plants. It is also one of the things that you should consider before doing the process of pruning marijuana plants. 

How to Prune Marijuana?

In pruning marijuana, you have to know the proper steps in doing it. You should also check if your plants need pruning or not. You have to remember that pruning is a process of making your plants healthier and making them happier. 

The first thing that you should do is to acquire as much knowledge and ideas as before you do the pruning method. Your process of pruning your weed can affect your plant’s growth and bud production. Therefore, you need to know and understand some of the basic information about pruning. 

If you will be able to remove a piece of your plant in the right way, then it will be helpful for your plant’s health as well as its growth. You can prune the plants that are already mature and the reason for this is that they will grow some nodes that are new as well as stems. 

There are two basic steps in pruning. The steps are finding the plant’s new shoot and removing the shoots using the shears for pruning. Keep in mind that you need to remove ¾ of the new shoots every week until the plant reaches its flowering phase. 

Here are the processes of pruning:

  1. You should prepare the shears for pruning your weed, especially for small leaves and branches. Make sure to sharpen your scissors or clippers so you can snip your plants cleanly. This is an important thing to do for you to avoid damages and infections.
  2. After that, you have to get rid of the large branches. By this, you will have enough space in doing the pruning process. You need to begin it with the branches which are at the bottom part of your plant. These branches will not be able to have enough light and they will not be able to develop the buds. 
  3. Then, you have to do the step for cutting off. You need to get rid of the branches which are growing under the canopy or at the center of your plant. You have to know that these will not be able to develop buds. 
  4. You need to prune the leaves or branches that are small or even those which are already dying.

You need to know that by doing the process of pruning well, it will make you control your plants and face your plants in a place where it will be able to receive enough sunlight and energy it needs. This is also another way of knowing and observing your plant’s growth as well as health. 

Things You Should Not Do When Pruning

After you have known the steps of pruning, you should also be aware of the things you should not do during the pruning process. Here are the lists of the things you should not do:

  • You should not tear the stems or leaves using your hands. It may cause damage to your plants and there’s a possibility of uprooting your plants, too.
  • You should not get rid of so many parts of your plants as it may slow down the pruning recovery of the plants.
  • The main part of your plant’s stem should not be pruned. If you do it, it may affect the development of your plants. 


The above mentioned are the important things you should remember and know when pruning marijuana. You need to know how to prune marijuana the right way. Aside from making your plants healthier and increasing their yields, it would also help you in avoiding damage to your plants during the pruning method. Having enough knowledge of the pruning method will prevent you from damaging your healthy plants while you are trying to increase their yields. 

Aside from the steps, you should also know the things you should not do when pruning. By this, you will be able to do the pruning steps and processes well without harming your plants. Therefore, pruning may be a complicated method and a bit challenging process, however, if you have enough ideas about it and if you do it right, you would be able to get good and satisfying results. 

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