Buy Vanilla Kush Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds

Are you a vanilla lover? Surely, this flavor is not only available in desserts, like ice cream because Vanilla Kush seeds are also available. This cannabis provides a long-lasting high, which is very relaxing. It’s a perfect nighttime strain after a busy day to prevent burnout and feels more energized the next day. Vanilla Kush autoflower seeds are available for sale online!

Flowering Period: 55 to 60 days
Type: 70% Indica, 30% Sativa
Warm and dry outdoor climate
Yield: Indoor, 16oz/ m2 / Outdoor, 21oz/ plant
THC level:
90 to 100 centimeters
Growing Difficulty:




Based Country: Canada 
Pack: 10 Seeds
Shipping: Worldwide

Based Country: Canada 
Pack: 10 Seeds
Shipping: Worldwide

Based Country: Canada 
Pack: 10 Seeds
Shipping: Worldwide

Based Country: Canada 
Pack: 10 Seeds
Shipping: Worldwide

Based Country: Amsterdam
Pack: 10 Seeds
Shipping: Worldwide


Vanilla Kush strain is a combination of an Afghan cannabis strain with Kashmir seeds. It takes pride in its remarkable Indica strength with the high mountain aromas experienced when you’re in the Kashmir valley. The plant grows to a medium height and the bushy side branches, provide healthy dense colas with beautiful gold and red calyx. You’ll notice the magnificent buds encapsulating the scent of wild pine and vanilla, resulting in a powerful, relaxing, and long-lasting high.

Effects And Benefits

This strain grows marvelous small cannabis plants, yielding fabulous buds that are overflowing with red and gold-colored resin. All types of breeders and growers will obtain great outcomes with very minimal effort.

When it comes to health benefits, Vanilla is highly recommended in easing pain and stress. After a hectic day, take a dose of vanilla through smoking or vaping to relax the tired mind and muscles. Lullaby until you doze off taking this cannabis strain, giving you deep rest and sleep far more you can imagine what traditional sleep aids can do.

Cultivating the Seeds

Vanilla Kush strain grows marvelous small cannabis plants, yielding fabulous buds that are overflowing with red and gold-colored resin. All types of breeders and growers will obtain great outcomes with very minimal effort.

You can cultivate this cannabis strain in either indoor or outdoor settings. The flowering period is 55 to 60 days and the buds are ready to harvest in September. It grows 90 to 100 centimeters with 22 percent THC and 1.0 CBD levels. This marijuana plant is fairly manageable. Just make sure to regularly monitor them and provide the right amount of nutrients and water they need to thrive for a bountiful yield later on.

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